FC List Callers 0.4 - Utility for FirstClass administrators creates text file lists of FirstClass users, logon name and last logon date sorted by date of last call, last name and logon name in addition to a text file list of all user resumes sorted by last name. Compiled 11/18/91.
FC LogScan 1.0.2.cpt 35112
FC LogScan 1.0.2 - Utility which analyzes FirstClass daily logs to produce a summary report in a concise and readable format. Compiled 3/3/92.
FC Price List(07/92).cpt 876
FirstClass pricelist from July 1992 (so you can see how much you could have paid) :-)
FICN Editor Resources.cpt 3220
FICN editor resources for FirstClass BBS admins
FirstClass Client 2.0.4.sit 236453
Enduser (client) software for logging onto FirstClass BBS systems
FirstClass Office.cpt 1065
FirstClass BBS post office sysop utility
FirstClass User 1.66.cpt 210399
An early version of the the FirstClass client (user) software -> Version 1.66
FirstClassBBS Demo.cpt 320056
Demo of FirstClass BBS
Geneva 10ptFnt (For FC).cpt 2439
New font for FirstClass BBS
ICON <-> FICN.cpt 4211
Convert ICON resources to FICN so FirstClass can use them
INTERNET.LINK1.cpt 34209
Learn how to link your FC BBS to the Internet
public FC systems 0992.cpt 7108
FirstClass Public BBS information and modem numbers, updated 09/92
SerPort Reset.cpt 1771
Serial Port reset utility
TSC settings.cpt 2764
A sample FC BBS setting file
Update1.04.cpt 6237
Program that can be used to send out FirstClass client software updates to your members.
What is FC?.cpt 1525
What is Firstclass? describes the new GUI (graphic user interface) BBS system FirstClass.
&UsersStats v1.0.cpt 19568
Hermes external
Alt Hermes Menus.cpt 3612
Hermes Menus
ANSI Doodle Beta.cpt 32626
Can be used to create ANSI graphics for BBS use
ANSIFont.cpt 8874
This is an Ansi-A and Ansi-B font for use in BBS host software pkgs for creating those neat ANSI screens
BBIB-->HRMS 3.0.cpt 21085
BBIB-->HRMS is a host utility to convert Second Sight BBS file directories into a form suitable for use with Hermes BBS. You can specify either 1.9 or 2.0 versions to convert to.
Casino.cpt 57147
External game for Hermes
CastleArden100.cpt 8781
Hermes external game module - Castle Arden 100
CBV v0.6Call back.cpt 19731
CallBackVerifier v0.6 external
Checkers v1.6.2.cpt 18215
Checkers external game for Hermes
Chess v0.76.cpt 19005
An external game of Chess for Hermes BBS host
Cleanhouse 1.0.1.cpt 3973
Hermes external - CleanHouse 1.0.1
CMP Hermes 1.0.sea
No Description Available
CT Extentions Package#.cpt 24971
No Description Available
CT Pak #1.cpt 104132
No Description Available
CT Pak #1.doc.cpt 81696
No Description Available
CT Pak #2.cpt 62240
No Description Available
Democracy 1.11.sea
No Description Available
Donations.cpt 10056
No Description Available
Files Online 2.0.2.cpt 24590
Hermes External that will make a list of the files currently on your BBS.
Files Online.cpt 14403
No Description Available
HemresEx.cpt 25411
Collection of Hermes externals
Hermes Docs v2.0.cpt 76916
Documentation files for Hermes BBS host v2.0
Hermes News Editor 1.0.sit 17926
Hermes external to display message to users at logon
Hermes2.0.sea 239699
No Description Available
Hermes211.sit 203763
Hermes BBS host construction software v2.1.1 This is a recent update to this great software.
HermesLeech.cpt 65149
No Description Available
HermesUtil.cpt 31558
No Description Available
Hide Hermes 1.2.cpt 13486
Hide Hermes is a screen saver designed especially for the Hermes BBS. It is an external so it actually runs inside of Hermes.
Leechmaster 4.1.cpt 16186
sets up a up/download restriction and tests for leeches
Merchant (1.9).cpt
No Description Available
Merchant 0.25a1.cpt
No Description Available
Navada 2.1.cpt 15233
Navada 2.1
New User 3.3.cpt 6376
Hermes External
ProtMover6.1.cpt 126267
Hermes External
QouteManagerv1.4.cpt 20820
Hermes External
Report'r 2.0.sea
No Description Available
SlotsHermes1.8.cpt 7964
A great external game for hermes.
Stop CrashMail v1.0 21831
No Description Available
StopCrashMail.cpt 5351
StopCrashMail - This little external is useful only to Hermes SysOps running Tabby. It allows you to set the Hermes node number of which you would like to have crashmail temporarily disabled. Stop CrashMail presents a prompt to the SysOp (User #1) when logging on asking if you wish to turn off crashmail during your online session. If you answer "Yes", Stop CrashMail toggles the Accept Crashmail checkbox in the Node Prefs for that particular node. When you log off, the crashmail toggle will be turned back on.
System Down.cpt 51847
For letting your users know when the system is down for maintainance or temporarily offline
The Dot Race v0.9.cpt 12522
Hermes External
TimeBank v1.1.cpt 7006
Lets your users set aside extra time for later use
Topten2.0.cpt 5883
Hermes External that lists the top ten at logon
TUNE v1.0.1.cpt 6804
Hermes Tune v1.0.1
Voting Booth v..cpt 11299
External voting booth for Hermes
Wumpus.cpt 11033
Hermes External
Inside Mansion BBS.cpt 23643
Text document that describes the inner workings of Mansion so that utility writers can properly interface with the Mansion BBS system.
Mansion CreateDir 8.00.cpt 10395
Tool to automate creation of Mansion file directories.
Mansion9Install#1 358345
No Description Available
Mansion9Install#2 435248
No Description Available
Mansion9Install#3 382158
No Description Available
AmoebaWars4.0 32091
Amoeba wars is an addictive external game
AreaFix_1.0 13874
Areafix BBS utility
AutoUserStat3.1 12092
AutoUserStats external application
battlefield_3.0 80267
Battlefield external game
BattleSupport 38291
BattleField support files
BBSList Master #25.cpt 26696
A collection of Mac and Mac-oriented BBS’ from around the world.
BMUG BBSUpdate.sea 167169
No Description Available
BULGEN 15955
BulGen for use with Tabby
Change the origin of files
CommEffects 4101
CutSize1.0a 16666
Cut size BBS utility
DJSA BBS List 0393.sea 14992
No Description Available
DUNG2.6SUPP 52266
Dungeon Support
DUNGB5 108487
Dungeons BBs external
DUNGDOCS2.0 23338
No Description Available
Emp1.53 92463
Empire external for BBS use
EmpSupp52 56489
No Description Available
FBBS .921.cpt 205862
This is FBBS version 0.921 - an impressive BBS host system that is VERY easy to set up, supports ANSI graphics, Hardware handshaking, Tabby & Fidonet mail, High sped transfers, easily configurable, impressive interface and only $50 to register.
HellHaven4.0 35104
HellHaven 4.0 external game
hiBBS Q&A 2539
New BBS host system questions & answers. hiBBS offers Mac and Windows graphic environments, online conferencing, etc....download to find out more. Released 0393
HostEditorsFix 1519
No Description Available
HyperBBS 142458
HyperBBS is a hypercard based BBS host system, very complete.
Intels high speed modem offer for sysops.
Keno1.0 34989
Keno exteranl
Konnect Fast!.cpt 1131
No Description Available
MacBBS•Lister3.0.sea 59880
No Description Available
Mansion BBS.cpt 844
Mansion BBS software
MergeLogs 47811
Utility to merge multiple log files
MicroPhone II 4.0.cpt 801
No Description Available
MUD 9491
No Description Available
NEWSMGR2 17288
No Description Available
Sample BBS Disclaimer.cpt 2516
Sample Disclaimer for BBS operators - I'm no lawyer and thus I do not claim that this software will protect you from anything, but I believe it is a good starting point for any sysop!
Sample Upload Policies.cpt 2819
Sample upload policies for BBS use
SampleBBSTerms&Conditions.cpt 1738
Sample Terms & conditions for BBS sysops
SF BBS List 1092.cpt 39697
This is the Winter 1992 edition of the most complete and up-to-date BBS list for the South Florida area. This new edition features 236 total systems, with 34 new bulletin boards!
SitC Lister 1.0.sit 36158
Version 1.0 of SitC Lister, a utility for TeleFinder, FirstClass, and NovaLink Pro Sysops to generate file lists with descriptions. Tabby compatible. Requires System 7. Shareware $25.
SmartMac_BBS 8715
No Description Available
TextView1.2.cpt 10008
TextView1.2 - TextView allows sysops to remotely read any text file on any mounted volume. This is especially useful for sysops who access their BBS remotely. TextView is Shareware.
W&W2.0 32841
No Description Available
Wall4.0 30347
Wall external for BBS use
World’s Finest BBS.cpt 18481
a press release about a new terminal communications/BBS software package.
WWIV BBS.cpt 922
An early version of WWIV Mac BBS Host software . Very IBM like in its structure!
WWIV_3.0-1 240015
WWIV Mac BBS Host software - part 1 of 4
WWIV_3.0-2 214376
WWIV Mac BBS Host software - part 2 of 4
WWIV_3.0-3 224899
WWIV Mac BBS Host software - part 3 of 4
WWIV_3.0-4 198815
WWIV Mac BBS Host software - part 4 of 4
WWIV_3.0_Re 15880
WWIV Mac BBS Host software - docs
Backfile Mdl1.1.cpt 5328
No Description Available
bbslst11.cpt 17467
No Description Available
Discussions 1.0b.cpt 30862
Discussions 1.0b for MUBBS - This is a FULLY FUNCTIONAL version of Discussions for MUBBS messaging. So many people have asked for it, so I am releasing as-is now.
E-Mail 1.5 source.cpt 36084
No Description Available
E-Mail Module 1.5.cpt 13909
E-Mail Module 1.5 for MUBBS - These new E-Mail modules fix some problems that would take up to much memory and crash the system.
Empire 1.0b9.cpt 21838
No Description Available
Ghost & CDROM.txt.cpt 786
Text file describes use of Ghost and Giga-ROM cdrom on your BBS
Ghost.cpt 19183
System 7 only utility. Aids Sysops using CD-ROMs by creating aliases for an entire disc at once. Just place Ghost on the desktop and drop the volume's icon on it.
Modems module HST.cpt 12028
No Description Available
MUBBS AnswerMachine.SEA 59736
No Description Available
MUBBS Echo Conf 6/92.cpt 13652
No Description Available
MUBBS Echo Conf to 4/30.cpt 20297
No Description Available
MUBBS EchoArchive6.txt.cpt 13652
No Description Available
MUBBS etc.cpt 169289
This contains more files for modules in the MUBBS system. You will need the MUBBS files posted in the Telecom section of this CD-ROM if you wish to set up your own BBS.
MUBBS Mod Shells 4/92.cpt 25735
No Description Available
MUBBS Module Source V.5 169486
MUBBS is a "Multi User BBS" and is modular. This file contains all the source code for "sample" modules in Think C 4.0 format. You can program your own modules, then add them to MUBBS wherever you like. You can basically construct your own custom BBS any way you please.
MUBBS QuickStart Manual 16947
QuickStart Manual for MUBBS V.5. This manual allows you to set up a MUBBS BBS quickly. You can then read the other instructions as you need to when your BBS grows.If you download MUBBS, you need to get this too! It's in MacWrite 5.0 format. Don't forget to look for other modules for MUBBS where you found the original MUBBS archive!
MUBBS Tools1.0.cpt 86507
MUBBS Tools 1.0 contains several tools for MUBBS systems v.5. Provided on BBS in a BOX by Nate Hawthorn. MUBBS is currently BBS compatable using the CD module. Contact Michael Bean at 602-892-5454 for more info. MUBBS is free.
MUBBS V1.1.SEA 353195
No Description Available
MUBBS112.CPT 676337
MUBBS v1.1.2 - MultiUserBBS is a shareware 32 line public BBS host program. This is a complete package that contains everything you need to become a Macintosh Sysop. Modules, utilities, echos, documentation and much more.
MyModules.cpt 10763
No Description Available
Nate's Sysop 2.0.cpt 13744
Nate's Sysop 2.0 contains a HyperCard interface for BBS maintenance of MUBBS.
New Msgs.cpt 14899
No Description Available
Sysop Module 1.0.cpt 8008
No Description Available
Tfiles10.cpt 25891
No Description Available
Upload Maniac 1.0.cpt 27573
Upload Maniac 1.0 for MUBBS - I put this little program together so that I could get my BBS changed over from Hermes without too much hassle.
User List Fixer V.2.cpt 17749
No Description Available
UserList Updater 5/92.SEA 52388
No Description Available
WishLs15.cpt 20111
No Description Available
NovaCentral Color 2.1.cpt 212650
Log onto NovaCentral, ResNova's support BBS. This is the settings file to be used with NovaTerm 2.11 (found in this library). NovaLink Pro is one of the BEST full color Graphic User Interface BBS host contruction software packages available for the Mac.
NovaLink help.cpt 2579
Tutorial help for NovaLink Graphic User Interface BBS
NovaLink.cpt 181762
Demo version of NovaLink BBS host
NovaTerm™ 2.11.sea 190093
No Description Available
1042 Quotes 45560
large collection of quotes files
AddBBS.cpt 3030
Survey file for adding BBS listings to Second Sight.
AnalyzeCallerlog 32047
analyzes your SS callerlog - duh!
Archie 1.62/F.cpt 132025
A Host Command 50 app which adds more than 30 commands to Second Sight, remotely and locally. Features include backing up logs, searching text files, analyzing the CallerLog, various UserLog displays, searches and backup, file searches.
Archie Special.cpt 51123
Great Second Sight external
Auto User Stats 3.1.cpt 12082
Examines your SS userlog
Battle 3.63.sit 136178
The ultimate online BBS game. New release - March 1993. This is a Mansion BBS bug fix release. A must on all BBS systems. Tell your sysop you want to try it out.
Birthday100.cpt 37351
Second Sight external that lets user enter their birthdays and displays a Happy Birthday to.... at logon
BJ100.CPT 28679
Second Sight external application
BJ100.sea 42791
No Description Available
Busyout 17695
takes your modem offline during mail processing so your users get a busy signal when calling
CallerVerify.cpt 60272
CallerVerify is a cmd 50/51 app for SS that verifes newusers and bumps their access. Can be set to only call local phone numbers.
CataLogger1.2 19582
Catalogger for Second Sight
ChangeName.cpt 11399
change menu and file directory names - in case you want to renname your harddrive
Checkers100.CPT 26404
Second Sight external game
ClearLog.cpt 47073
external that deletes your Second Sight callerlog
CombineLog 48422
combines multiple log files
ComputerSRVY(SS).cpt 1449
Asks your users specific questions about the computer industry to find out just how smart they are. (tough)
Cop 2.00->2.01 Updater.sea 126734
No Description Available
CreateSectiondir 45157
Creates file section directories simply and easily
Delphi100.cpt 25080
Second Sight external game/timekiller
Detour.cpt 27406
Use this in place of any command 50 application you want to take temporarily out of service.
Dorothy.sea 137487
No Description Available
Epistle 45624
Epistle Second Sight External scans message headers for Tabby imports & generates a report.
Escaped File Finder.cpt 27307
A Second Sight 2.0 FileSection utility which makes a list of every file in a folder and compares it against a FileSection listing in that folder, then writes a report of all files which are not contained in the FileSection listing.
Export 3.215.cpt 49926
Export 3.2 - Export 3.2 was designed to solve various Technical problems and general slowness of Tabby and previous export routines. It was designed as 1) a high volume Export utility and 2) to solved some of the problems of getting UseNet Messages
Federation0.01d.cpt 38020
Second Sight external game
FileList Builder 1.4 si.cpt 12228
One step file directory creation
Find Duplicates.cpt 179936
examines directories for file duplications
FreeLoader.1.1.cpt 42028
Identifies file leeches and freeloaders
FSec Cleaner.cpt 28023
A utility to purge missing file entries and to kill files marked for deletion in Second Sight 2.0 FileSections.
FSP.2.55.cpt 26825
File Section Processor for Second Sight
GEnie Cleaner.cpt 7767
Application to clean up GEnie file descriptions so that they can be directly cut and pasted into BBS file descriptions.
Helmsman.cpt 316361
Helmsman is a graphic front-end and offline mail reader for Second Sight BBSs.
HFL 1.0 34867
Host File Lister for Second Sight
Import 2.53.cpt 41164
This is an import utility for Second Sight and Tabby Users by Mike Lininger. This file is in the public domain and unsupported.
Keno 1.1 35064
Second Sight external - KENO
LoadMaster1.9.sit 58429
LoadMaster 1.9 is a Second Sight BBS External it instantly displays the top 10 Freeloaders, Uploaders, and Message Posters. Compatiblewith MultiPort Serial Cards & automatically detects ANSI and COLOR settings.
MacTick.txt.cpt 2123
Text description = About MacTick
Mantissa 1.0 63771
Mantissa for Second Sight
mehit 3.0.b15.cpt 51951
mehit 3.0.b15 - Adds many more features to mehit 2.x, including automatic renumbering, automatic Stuffing of archives (requires StuffIt Engine), all features of Log-O-Matic and more! Beta, but has proven reliable on several BBSs. Compiled 8/1/91.
MoveTick.1.0.2.cpt 26436
MoveTick for Second Sight
NewsRoom 0.6 20057
Sysop utility that lets you send group mail
NJMUG FSP Control.cpt 2681
sample FSP procedures from NJMUG
Numberizer 1.5 13315
renumber your message sections
Password Surveys(SS).cpt 4182
Sample surveys that will ask users to enter a password befroe letting them enter a restricted area of your board
PathMaster 1.01.cpt 16725
lets you modify path names in file areas and menus. Great if you are changing harddrive names or moving your BBS to a different partition
Peephole 49344
Lets users peek at system activity via the callerlog.
Peephole2.0.2.cpt 53527
No Description Available
Probe .52 33303
examines your Second Sight callerlog and generates usage reports
Questor™.cpt 23615
File section editor for Second Sight Host
Repath FSecs 2.0.cpt 26513
Repath FSecs 2.0 - An update of my old Repath utility. This lets you quickly alter Second Sight 2.0 FileSection paths. Compiled 6/30/88.
Rescan 0.1.cpt 16135
Rescan 0.1 - Rescan is a Second Sight utility which scans the entire message base and export all messages in selected public net sections to a text file similar to the Tabby Generic file. With Rescanalator (included) you can import these messages to another BBS. Compiled 11/4/90.
Reset, Restart & ShutDown.cpt 4183
Reset, Restart & ShutDown - Three micro utilities to reset, restart or shutdown your BBS machine. Useful as externals in many situations. Compiled 11/4/90.
Resize FSecs.cpt 30116
Resize FSecs - Similar in operation and appearance to Repath Fsecs 2.0, this utility checks actual file sizes against those listed in your FileSection directory. This corrects your listings if you’ve gone through a file area with Stuffit to make things smaller. Compiled 11/6/88.
Riddle100.cpt 27442
Second Sight external that lets users display and create riddles
Rolfe 3.0.sea 114172
No Description Available
RRH UserHacker 12347
Another userlog editor for Second Sight
RRHTime.cpt 13418
RR Host 2.0 time external app.
SearchStripper(SS).cpt 17589
Search Stripper for Second Sight
Section Changer.cpt 26768
Section Changer - A dirt-simple Host 2.0 utility designed to move messages from one section to another. It’s useful for those times when a new Echo has been routed by mistake to Tabby’s UNKNOWN area or when you’re reorganizing your message sections. Compiled 5/24/90.
SixthSense102.cpt 28045
Second Sight external game
Slasher 38040
userlog processer for Second Sight
SLIC.cpt 49290
Second Sight utility
Slots100.cpt 27471
Second Sight external game of Slots
SS Quotes.sea 36706
No Description Available
SS Settings 5111
Second Sight settings files
SS-BankTime.cpt 57510
An external command 50/51 application for Second Sight Host that lets users ‘bank’ or accumulate time with the option of gaining interest for later use such as massive file download sessions.
SS-Bells&Whistles.sea 17085
No Description Available
SS-FlagMan! v1.0.sea 26542
No Description Available
SS-ListMenus3.5.cpt 22409
Creates text listings of all menus contained in a directory
SS-MadLib.cpt 28246
No Description Available
SS-MadLibs 5.cpt 13142
No Description Available
SS-PageMan! v1.0.sea 27537
No Description Available
SS-Story100.CPT 21043
No Description Available
SS-viewZIP102.CPT 24310
No Description Available
SS.AutoUserStats 3.1 27561
No Description Available
SS.Epistle II 61078
No Description Available
SS.Peephole 64784
No Description Available
SS.Probe .52 48636
No Description Available
SS.Slasher 53505
No Description Available
SS.Surveys 54753
No Description Available
SS/RRHVal.cpt 50974
New user validation survey for Second Sight
SSsitTocpt.cpt 16792
This is a quick and dirty program I cooked up in a few hours on Thursday July 27 1990. It should help expedite the changeover from Sit Archives to Compactor Archives on a Second Sight BBS. What you do is this, use the sit to cpt program in batch mode
Surveys 39456
Collection of survey files for Second Sight Host
Sysop Mailer.cpt 23458
New mail system for RRH
Sysop/SupraModem.cpt 3062
BBS sysop modem deal from Supra
TExport 2.0(SS).cpt 23151
Tabby/Second Sight utility
The Enforcer.cpt 5385
RR Host external program controlled access
The Ultimate U/D Enforcer.CPT 3676
checks users up/download stats via an external survey for Second Sight
TheMenuHacker3.cpt 115978
TheMenuHacker 3 - contains 2 versions, one for Second Sight 2.1 and one that supports the new Second Sight 2.2 (3.x) menu structures and commands. An excellent menu editor for the Second Sight Sysop. Much better than MenuEdit that ships w/ SS.
THEWALL1.0.cpt 22528
RR Host external application for one liners
tidE v0.62(SS).cpt 45358
Second Sight file section editor
Timestamp/start.cpt 18517
Timestamp/start - Timestamp inserts in the CallerLog a date/time stamp when Host is launched, followed by a dashed line. Timestart inserts in the CallerLog a date/time stamp when Tabby Robot is launched. Compiled 6/2/89.
TImport 2.0(SS).cpt 25799
Tabby/Second Sight utility
Trivia Quiz Survey(SS).cpt 2249
Sample survey files for use with Second Sight
TSet 1.6(SS).cpt 9437
Tabby/Second Sight utility
TSort.1.8(SS).cpt 15323
Tabby/Second Sight utility
TUE 6.0 Lite.cpt 95758
The Userlog Editor Lite v6.0
Undeleter.cpt 47104
RR Host 2.0 message undeleter
UnMod 1.0.cpt 3784
UnMod 1.0 - Resets Last Modified date to Created date for all files in a folder. Compiled 9/15/91.
USR DS for RRH.cpt 6728
No Description Available
Waldo3.SEA 168841
No Description Available
Wall502.cpt 27230
The Wall v5.0.2 external game for Second Sight
AreaFix 1.6.sit 24037
AreaFix enables remote reporting and manipulation of Echoes on Host/Tabby BBSs. The sysop can configure AreaFix to allow remote callers to ask regarding available Echoes and to turn services off and on for individual Echoes.
AREAFIX.USE.sea 14918
No Description Available
AreaTrix 1.0.4.cpt 25347
AreaTrix allows Tabby-based BBSs to process requests for turning on and off Echoes. Remotes can also get lists of available Echoes. AreaTrix also forwards files. AreaTrix works with Second Sight, Mansion and any other Tabby-compatible Mac hosts.
BusyOut 1.6.S 23933
Takes your modem off hook during a Tabby event so callers to your BBS get a busy signal.
Clean-by.cpt 4634
Clean-by is a preprocessor for TabbyNet SendNews. Its mission is to strip any lines containing only the string "SEEN-BY" from the seenby.bbs file, since Mac boards in net 102 have been plagued by crashes caused by these almost-empty lines.
Condor 1.0.cpt 17659
Condor is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility to regulate download quotas per month for a Second Sight BBS. To do so, it counts downloads each night, and if they exceed a pre-set level it sets or clears a user restriction flag defined by the system
Copernicus II.cpt 1027
Information on Copernicus II
Copy.cpt 9258
Copy is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility designed to take a snapshot of any text file before it's been processed by Tabby.
CPoint2.1.cpt 394591
CPoint2.1 - is an off-line reader that can be used with Cope(c) modules, Tabbyc(c) modules, WhiteMailer(c), MacWoof(c), Formula-1(c), QWK(c) and others. COUNTERPoint 2.1 provides a very flexible user interface for reading, posting and archiving Internet and Fidonet messages. Shareware $45.00 Lininger Technology, 385 Bowling Green Place, Gahanna, Ohio 43230.
Echo Listings.sea 87591
No Description Available
EchoListRules0493.sea 242827
No Description Available
EchoListTopics0493.sea 476622
No Description Available
F1Updater103e.cpt 129446
Updates Formula 1 to version 103e. For Tabby/Second Sight sysops.
Fakebot 1.43.cpt 13366
A replacement for the Tabby Robot which you can use with Tabby to crashmail one or more nodes with a minimum amount of fuss. Unlike Tabby Robot, Fakebot can be launched as an external command from your BBS to do its work.
ff 1.5.cpt 16412
A Tabby event-compatible utility which reads a list of users and node numbers, then scans your messages, exporting locally entered private messages addressed to users on your list to network private messages with valid addresses.
Fido Chat 13637
This article discusses Fidonet and Telefinder.
Fido Policy.sea 42480
No Description Available
FIDO1010.NWS.sea 29416
No Description Available
FIDO1011.NWS.sea 35706
No Description Available
FIDO1012.NWS.sea 97439
No Description Available
FIDO1013.NWS.sea 83140
No Description Available
FIDO1014.NWS.sea 87621
No Description Available
FIDO1015.NWS.sea 47877
No Description Available
FIDO1016.NWS.sea 16028
FidoNews is a weekly newsletter distributed in electronic form throughout the network. It is an important medium by which FidoNet sysops communicate with each other.
FidoHelp!.cpt 16005
Everything you always wanted to know about Fidonet, but were either afraid to ask, or didn't know whom to ask.
FidoNet&Pointing.cpt 4621
Information on Pointing under FidoNet
fidonet.na.sea 24994
No Description Available
Flip 1.0.3.cpt 15110
Flip 1.0.3 - Flip is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility which will automatically forward a list of 1-10 “magic” file names to a list of 1-10 nodes.
Generix v1.0.cpt 26698
Generix is actually 2 Tabby utilities that monitor your import and export files and generate usage reports
Gliders 1.4.2.cpt 9703
Tabby-compatible utility which extends launch.next events beyond Tabby’s limit of a 255-character script and which allows systems which don’t run Tabby to chain Tabby-compatible utility programs. Gliders is not specific to any BBS package.
Gyprock1.0.sit 6087
Restart Mac without ejecting CD-ROM, or other disk. Deletes the launch.next, LaunchRRH, and LaunchSS files, if they are present. This makes it suitable for the last position in a Tabby Event, which is especially handy if you experience memory errors
HyperTag 1.0.sit 92862
HyperTag is a Tagline/Originline generator for FidoNet/InterNet/UseNet etc. messages and will randomly generate taglines, allow you to select specific taglines, and much much more. Contains over 950 ready-to-post tags.
Informant 17183
Tabby informant can automatically write a message to echomail
Jump 1.2.cpt 4755
Tabby NetMail application to skip to next entry in launch.next file. Use to route around events such as TabbyNet DeliverMail by renaming it and TabbyNet DeliverMail. Even when it’s renamed, you can recognize Jump by its toadlike icon.
Killer 1.1.cpt 2768
Killer is designed to delete the launch.next file, if it exists. Then Killer launches the application name designated in its STR 500 resource.
Little 19866
Tabby/Fido utility
Log-O-Matic 1.72.cpt 16352
Log-O-Matic is a Host/Tabby NetMail application which can automatically maintain your UserLog, CallerLog and Tabby Logs, sorting and archiving in various ways.
MacTick.cpt 805
For handling tick file transfers.
MacWoof 1.5.3.sea 282777
No Description Available
Information on Mantissa 3.2 & List of new Features.
Mantissa 3.21.cpt 100741
Mantissa 3.21 - This utility is now unsupported and is placed in the Public Domain. Requires Second Sight 2.1. This is a great SS message controler.
Mantissa32(PW).sit 153890
Mantissa is a very powerful message base management utility designed to keep your SS's message base fit-n-trim. Delete messages by day limit, section limit. Archive deleted msgs. to text files. Super Fast! Renumber messages. Password required!
Mark Up 1.2.cpt 5600
Mark Up 1.2 - Mark Up cures the Tabby “Node Marked Down” blues. Configure it with a list of from one to six nodes. When it runs, it checks the Tabby Calls file in the Tabby Folder and if any of the nodes in its list is found, it zeroes out the bad calls.
Numberizer1.5c.sit 20015
NUMBERIZER1.5 - Renumber Msg base as part of a Tabby event
Order TABBY.cpt 950
Information on how to order Tabby from Michael Connick.
Pass 'Em Thru.sea 67859
No Description Available
PreStamp 3.2.cpt 33982
PreStamp 3.2 - PreStamp Fixes/Cleans up your callerlog. It formats the network mail events, so they conform to the format used throughout host and other utilities. It helps Archie and Probe produce valid stats.
Probe 3.2.cpt 37045
Probe 3.2 - This utility is now unsupported and is placed in the Public Domain. Requires Second Sight 2.1 Probe, is a Tabby compatible utility that will analyze your callerlog and product a detailed Stats report.
Quoter DA 1.0.cpt 17265
Quoter DA 1.0 - Quoter DA is a Desk Accessory whose main purpose is to convert text on the Clipboard into quotes in the form generally used by FidoNet boards.
Sequencer 3564
Tabby/Fido utility
Shoelace 1.0.sea 23083
No Description Available
ShutMeDown.sea 9694
No Description Available
ShutUp.cpt 2224
ShutUp - This tiny program simply shuts down the Mac. Useful for inclusion at the end of an event chain to shut down a BBS after ZMH or to close down a point system after early morning mail exchange.
Splice 1.31.cpt 5311
Splice 1.31 - Tabby NetMail-compatible utility to merge two to four text files into one output file. Useful if you want to combine a dynamic file, such as Quote of the Day, and a static file, such as an informational message, into one System message.
Sundial 3.2.cpt 33581
Sundial 3.2 - This utility is now unsupported and is placed in the Public Domain. Requires Second Sight 2.1. Sundial is used with the RRH Import Export Engines. Sundial reads a file provided by Tabby 2.0 and updates the Config file to the next scheduled
Tabby-Change Origin.sit 15638
Tabby event utility that changes your origin line for multiple nodes.
TABBY-Frag.sit 12537
M E Connicks Tabby compatible utility that prevents a program from launching until the previous program has properly ended, thus eliminating LOW MEMORY or NOT ENOUGH MEMORY errors.
TABBY-ZipExtr.cpt 33605
Zip Extract is a Tabby utility that extracts 'zipped' packets (usually received from Ms-Dos based Hosts)
TABBY.Beep 22366
No Description Available
TABBY.BulGen 213455
No Description Available
TABBY.Informant 32515
No Description Available
TABBY.Little 35359
No Description Available
TABBY.Sequencer 19089
No Description Available
TABBY.Terminator 1.0.3 26388
No Description Available
Tabby/SS Engines 79542
Engines for Second Sight Host and Tabby
TabbyFrag.sit 12501
Michael's Connick’s program FRAG. It will allow one program to complete BEFORE the other one loads, thereby saving a Low or out of memory error.
TabbyQ&DSetup 25998
Tabby Q&D Setup
Tabbytips 5242
Helpful tips for jumpstarting starting your Tabby
Tally 2.2.cpt 16242
Tally is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility designed to count messages posted during the past 10 days on your BBS system.
Terminator 1.03 11021
Tabby/Fido utility that looks for and deletes duplicate messages that occur on Second Sight Host.
TimeOutTabby.sea 58915
No Description Available
TImport 2.0.3.cpt 26844
A Second Sight 2.x/Tabby 2.0 NetMail utility designed to import Generic Tabby text files into Second Sight message sections. It processes the “Generic Import” text file created by Tabby 2.0, and turns it into Host-compatible messages.
TImport_1.331 19160
An early version of the Second Sight /Tabby utility TImport for importing network mail into your SS message sections.
Zenith 1.5.sit 46146
Zenith is a Tabby event utilty for Second Sight that scans defined file sections and generates reports including popular downloads, new uploads, etc...
ZipExtract2.cpt 35680
Tabby Zip Extract 2 - This version of ZipExtract is compatible with the new compression method used by PKZip 2.0x. Replaces Arc Extract in your event strings and crash mail strings. If packets aren’t Zipped, Arc Extract is automatically launched.
Zip_extr.sea 41203
No Description Available
About TeleFinder.cpt 15246
What is TeleFinder? Download me and find out
Listing of TeleFinder BBS hosts from around the world
FIDO Menu Install.cpt 12159
Allows you to update Telefinder to be Tabby aware. This update adds another menu at the top of your Host set-up.
Getting Started w/TF Host.sea 41925
No Description Available
Getting Started w/TF User.sea 53906
No Description Available
NetConnect Info.cpt 14846
No Description Available
SS->TF Demo.cpt 291971
This file contains a demonstration of SS->TF Filer, a new conversion utility for converting Second Sight file descriptions to Telefinder format. This conversion utility will also adjust the size resource in the Second Sight directory to reflect true size after the Telefinder description resource is written to the file. This utility is very useful for 1). Conversion from Second Sight BBS to Telefinder format. 2). Running Dual Second Sight and Telefinder Boards with instant Telefinder updates on Descriptions. 3). Allowing Telefinder Sysops to utilize Second Sight file tools for creating FSP lists and utilizing other Second Sight Tools. Michael Bean (602) 892-5454.
SS-TF & FC Filer.cpt 903
SS->TF Filer conversion utility for converting Second Sight file descriptions to Telefinder format.
Good advice for the TeleFinder Sysop who wants to add Tabby/Fido support
TeleFinder Capture.cpt 14781
This filer allows Telefinder BBS Systems to capture text to a file for later review. This program works as a desk accessory.
Telefinder Customizer!.cpt 40053
Letsyou personalize your TeleFinder BBS system
TeleFinder Group Edition.cpt 984
Information on TeleFinder Group edition
TeleFinder InfoStack 1.0 49874
TeleFinder InfoStack 1.0 is a HyperCard database of available Telefinder systems throughout the US and includes features, phone numbers and a description on each system.
Telefinder Post-its .cpt 26229
This is a small set of modified post-it icons that I have put together for Telefinder BBS SYSOPS (or anyone else who can put them to use, of course).
TeleFinder Pro / MUG Order Form 19735
This file contains MUG special orders for Telefinder Pro... TeleFinder™ Pro - MUG Special Order For TeleFinder Pro is available to Macintosh User Groups at a special price of $45.95.
TeleFinder Suite 1.1.cpt 8001
No Description Available
TeleFinder Tools.cpt 58208
This file includes several Telefinder tools for Sysops including Path Memory, Screen Install and stat templates.
TeleFinder/User Demo.sea 278385
No Description Available
TeleFinderBBS/User 3.0.cpt 359222
TeleFinder Group Edition version 3.0 demo. This is a fully working copy of the bulletin board software. Use the TeleFinder/User demo to call our bulletin board and explore TeleFinder as a user. Use the Group Edition Host demo to set up your own BBS
TelefinderBBSList(8/92).cpt 2966
List of TeleFinder GUI BBS systems around the country
TeleFinder™ Frontier™ Suite.cpt 8158
The enclosed file called Suite.TFSuite is a TeleFinder sysop utility for use with UserLand's Frontier product.
TF BBS Layout.cpt 125468
This is a Docmaker file showing the layout and organization of a TeleFinder Host system.
TF Host Demo(8/28).sea 306651
Evaluation copy of TeleFinder Group Edition Host. This is time limited through August 28, 1992 and can register up to 5 user names.
TF Macro Tool 1.1B1.cpt 30277
No Description Available
TF Prefs.cpt 29833
No Description Available
TF Pro 1.0 Patch.cpt 796
Patch your Telefinder software
TF Users DBase(FMakr).cpt 29394
This FM doc can import your tab delimited files exported from the new User Manager (2.5) and show several different reports on overall usage by Users. Calculates average time per call, sorts by cumulative time, number of logons, etc.
TF-GetInfo.sea 16718
No Description Available
TF-ReadMe v2.6 Demo.cpt 1706
Docs for Telefinder DEMO v2.6
TFCommenter.cpt 7469
Telefinder commenter for adding file descriptions to archives
TFCommenter1.2.sea 30950
No Description Available
TF™ Frontier™ Suite 1.1.cpt 8794
This Frontier script will target a single file on your hard disk and then place an alias of it in every folder in a given directory. This is a great way for TeleFinder sysops to send mail to all users on their system.